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[E5U]≫ Read Free Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books

Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books

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Download PDF Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books

Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books

I was honestly... surprised by this book. The description didn't give me a lot to expect from this, but it sounded pretty good. Maybe a little definite and final, but nonetheless it sounded like something I'd read.

I think one of my favorite things about this book is the completely untraditional way Kai and Rea fell in love. It was a very original idea, not to mention modern. I loved that little twist, because nowadays in most books when the main characters fall in love they always follow the same boring, cliched, traditional approach. And honestly? It gets boring. This was different, and I absolutely loved that.

I can't wait for the next book to come, I'm really looking forward to reading that. This story had such a good plot and the story structure was sound. I find that a lot of self-published books have atrosious plot structure and everything falls apart. This story was great, and now there's a new cover and all the errors are gone! So I bumped up my rating to five stars because of that. It really was a good story.

I am going to highly suggest reading this if you ever find the time, because I think it was wonderful and overall an amazing read. I wasn't expecting to like it so much, and in the beggining I will admit I scoffed at the way it started but in the end I had fallen in love with this story.

Read Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books

Tags : Deadly to Love (Elemental Killers) (Volume 1) [Mia Hoddell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The world is dangerous - but love will kill you. </b><div></div> <div>Little did Serena Jackson know that one simple,Mia Hoddell,Deadly to Love (Elemental Killers) (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1496053796,FICTION Romance Paranormal

Deadly to Love Elemental Killers Volume 1 Mia Hoddell 9781496053794 Books Reviews

All I can say is wow! This book surpassed all of my expectations and kept me hooked from beginning to end. This book is fast paced, action packed and took me on an emotional ride.

I loved Serena she was strong willed and determined but the author cleverly interwove moments of vulnerability to create an engaging character that I could sympathise with. As well as this the two leading males, Ian and Kai were total opposites and although Ian doesn't appear much, the contrast was nice as they both gained different emotional responses from me. Kai was strong and there to support Serena and I found myself loving him more towards the end, especially once his reasons emerged. As well as this his past also made my eyes tear up, it was nice to find out his motives but it was so sad to read.

Ian was a bit more of a problem for me though. By the end I wouldn't say I hated him but my reaction was definitely the opposite to what I thought of Kai which was great as it gave the story more depth and intrigue. These two really played with my emotions throughout the book as their relationships with Serena changed but I loved the difference in personality as it made the book all the more interesting.

In Deadly to Love the action is constructed incredibly well, it is fast paced but filled with loads of detail that leaves everything easy to imagine and visualise. It had both sad and funny moments which gave the book a nice balance and draws you into Hoddell's world even more. As well as this I absolutely loved the Elementals and I'm excited to see how they develop in the sequel as they made this novel like any other I have read.

Although there is a cliff hanger ending I think the book finished in a good and natural way. It left you wanting to know more and I am excited to read the sequel but I wasn't left screaming in frustration like you can with some series if there isn't enough resolve. I'm sure any fans of young adult paranormal romance/urban fantasy will enjoy Deadly to Love - I can't recommend it highly enough. It really is one of my favourite books I have read so far this year.
'Deadly to Love' is the first in a paranormal romance series which follows 17-year-old main character Rea as she learns about elementals and tries to get answers out of the secretive new man in her life.

The idea behind the supernatural side of the story was really cool and a bit different from other YA paranormal novels I've read. The world building was good and the characters were believable. The plot was focused on the romantic side of Rea's life from the beginning and became more driven by the supernatural side of things towards the end. I think this was handled really well and helped introduce the characters before going on to bring in the supernatural element.

Rea goes through a lot in this story and it was very easy to sympathise with her. The emphasis stays mainly on the romantic side of things though so it felt uneven to me at times when she seemed more upset by those things than others. That was my only real complaint however, as the story itself is well plotted and the characters feel real. The ending was tense and ensured that I will be picking up the next book very soon.

Overall this is an exciting beginning to a series YA paranormal romance fans will love. If you're trying to find something that is a bit different in this genre this should satisfy your cravings for supernatural danger mixed with romance. Highly recommended!
I love the cover. I love the title. I love the way that the author explained about the elementals in the begining of the book. I even loved the Prologue. I just thought that there was going to be a lot more drama and excitment.
Deadly to Love begins with the heroine Lea, living a normal teen life, dealing with a bastard ex and then starting a relationship online with the mysterious Kai. The virtual relationship goes on for about 6 months before they finally meet in person. And the only reason that happened was because a suspicious fire erupted at the forest behind Rea's house.

After that Rea finally discovers what Kai really does for a living and the supernatural aspect of the story begins. Kai is an Elemental Killer and the fire behind Rea's house was caused by an Elemental.

I thought the beginning was bit slow and the young voice of the MC grated a bit on my nerves. But that is just a matter of personal taste. The romance aspect was great and Kai is everything I look for in a hero.

Overall, great start of a series. It's perfect for a younger audience. Very realistic despite the paranormal aspect.
I was honestly... surprised by this book. The description didn't give me a lot to expect from this, but it sounded pretty good. Maybe a little definite and final, but nonetheless it sounded like something I'd read.

I think one of my favorite things about this book is the completely untraditional way Kai and Rea fell in love. It was a very original idea, not to mention modern. I loved that little twist, because nowadays in most books when the main characters fall in love they always follow the same boring, cliched, traditional approach. And honestly? It gets boring. This was different, and I absolutely loved that.

I can't wait for the next book to come, I'm really looking forward to reading that. This story had such a good plot and the story structure was sound. I find that a lot of self-published books have atrosious plot structure and everything falls apart. This story was great, and now there's a new cover and all the errors are gone! So I bumped up my rating to five stars because of that. It really was a good story.

I am going to highly suggest reading this if you ever find the time, because I think it was wonderful and overall an amazing read. I wasn't expecting to like it so much, and in the beggining I will admit I scoffed at the way it started but in the end I had fallen in love with this story.
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