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My Beautiful Lifeless #2 edition by JM La Rocca Romance eBooks

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My Beautiful Lifeless #2 edition by JM La Rocca Romance eBooks

Wow! What a great conclusion to Kade and Scarlett's story! After the way Lifeless left me wanting more, I couldn't wait to dive into My Beautiful to see what was next for Kade and Scarlett. I put Kade on my naughty list after he broke Scarlett's heart, but he was doing what he thought was best, since his past came back with a vengance! Kade is a good guy, in My Beautiful, he left his bad boy alter ego in Lifeless and thank goodness! He tried to act all bad, but Scarlett breaks right through that bad boy exterior! He's cut out all the B.S. that was holding him down, and wants Scarlett back and he lets her control the pace! That's right, bow down boy!!! Scarlett of course is putty in Kade's hands, I wish she would have made him work a little harder to win her back, but respected the fact that she didn't want to play games, she just wants her man back! It may be seen as weak, since she didn't put up a fight, in her mind she's ready to move on, but her heart isn't, and the heart wants, what the heart wants! Hell, if a man wrote a song confessing his love for me, I would take him back too! (don't judge) I also enjoyed the fact that the book is told from both POV's. Loved hearing from Kade especially since he's got all this baggage he's carrying. It was nice reading about what was going on in his mind, you really see how much he loves Scarlett and how he'll do anything to keep her safe.

This book is not short on drama, in the mist of Kade and Scarlett's happy reunion, there is the matter of Kade's "family" situation that he has to work through that could once again risk he and Scarlett's relationship.

Packed with action, betrayal, a few surprises, and of course some steamy fun, I loved My Beautiful!

As a side note, I really liked Scarlett's friend Jules. She has a mouth that will make a sailor blush and wonder if there will be a spin off with her and her boo Brent?!

Read My Beautiful Lifeless #2  edition by JM La Rocca Romance eBooks

Tags : My Beautiful (Lifeless #2) - Kindle edition by J.M. La Rocca. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,J.M. La Rocca,My Beautiful (Lifeless #2),FICTION Romance Suspense,FICTION Romance Contemporary

My Beautiful Lifeless #2 edition by JM La Rocca Romance eBooks Reviews

I absolutely loved this series. It was hot, steamy with a great twists and turns! I actually wished there was a 3rd book as I think there was enough left open to still continue. Absolutely loved it!
Continuation did not disappoint, although Bryce might have. The mob tornado of events was exciting with twist and turns you didn't expect. Did Kade win Scarlett's love? Is Uncle Frank as creepy as we think? Will Jules end up with Brent? Is Bryce who he says he is? Can Scarlet forgive? It's all revealed.
We were pulled into the lives of these two people in book one, and as we continue with book two the writer only increases our pain, please, and love for not just scarlett and kade but the other characters in this book as well. You are given surprises and shocks and final yourself in denial on some parts but end the end you know it was worth hanging in until the end.
Loved this book! Very fast paced and action packed. The sex scenes required wet wipes and a fire extinguisher! Maybe I'm a little blood thirsty but I was really hoping Jess would get fed to some pigs or some other really horrible mob-type death. If you haven't read Lifeless, you must and then read My Beautiful. I will be keeping an eye out for new books by this author in the future.
Well, this book was more than a romance! It was romance plus suspense... An amazing combination of it, just like the first! I really love Scarlett. She is a female character who I can completely relate with, which I love. Female characters tend to be a lot of things, but relatable isn't always one of them. I freaking love love LOVE Jules! She is hilarious, badass, and the best friend a girl could ask for. And Kade! I don't feel like we got quite as much about him as we did in the first, but I still love him. This is a really great series!
This book was a really strong 2nd book in the series. I had to skim the last few chapters of "Lifeless" to refresh my memory because "My Beautiful" didn't bring me up to speed on what had happened previously but no biggie. The ending was more of a "quiet" finish, not a "WOW, that's awesome, I LOVED it!!!" with tears in your eyes. More like "hmm, guess that's it". All in all it was a good read and I enjoy Ms. LaRocca's writing!
I am confused what this second installment is about. I don't know if it is about Mafia or rock star. Whichever one it is, or maybe it is a combination (as it seems), it was done half baked on both counts. Kade's fate seems to hang in the balance at the end of the book. Even though his uncle said he can go back to his music, he can still be called upon anytime to be a mafioso.

In conclusion, this book, just fizzled out at the end of book one. This second book is a joke.
Wow! What a great conclusion to Kade and Scarlett's story! After the way Lifeless left me wanting more, I couldn't wait to dive into My Beautiful to see what was next for Kade and Scarlett. I put Kade on my naughty list after he broke Scarlett's heart, but he was doing what he thought was best, since his past came back with a vengance! Kade is a good guy, in My Beautiful, he left his bad boy alter ego in Lifeless and thank goodness! He tried to act all bad, but Scarlett breaks right through that bad boy exterior! He's cut out all the B.S. that was holding him down, and wants Scarlett back and he lets her control the pace! That's right, bow down boy!!! Scarlett of course is putty in Kade's hands, I wish she would have made him work a little harder to win her back, but respected the fact that she didn't want to play games, she just wants her man back! It may be seen as weak, since she didn't put up a fight, in her mind she's ready to move on, but her heart isn't, and the heart wants, what the heart wants! Hell, if a man wrote a song confessing his love for me, I would take him back too! (don't judge) I also enjoyed the fact that the book is told from both POV's. Loved hearing from Kade especially since he's got all this baggage he's carrying. It was nice reading about what was going on in his mind, you really see how much he loves Scarlett and how he'll do anything to keep her safe.

This book is not short on drama, in the mist of Kade and Scarlett's happy reunion, there is the matter of Kade's "family" situation that he has to work through that could once again risk he and Scarlett's relationship.

Packed with action, betrayal, a few surprises, and of course some steamy fun, I loved My Beautiful!

As a side note, I really liked Scarlett's friend Jules. She has a mouth that will make a sailor blush and wonder if there will be a spin off with her and her boo Brent?!
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